Maggie aus Torre Cerchiara
Eintrag #6553 vom 17.03.2021, 21:50:03 Uhr
Ursula aus Moos
Eintrag #6552 vom 17.03.2021, 21:26:15 Uhr
Arlie aus Geleen
Eintrag #6551 vom 17.03.2021, 21:26:01 Uhr
SafeVef aus Online
Eintrag #6550 vom 17.03.2021, 21:25:23 Uhr
The resulting declaration established a Pan American Commission on Pharmaceutical Education with delegates from each country in the Americas with a charge to produce a directory of institutional and human resources, including course work and consultantships, for the purpose of facilitating academic exchanges and the development of research and teaching projects at the professional and graduate levels; to develop and promote strategies aimed at improving educational processes, curricular reform, and leadership and management development; to exchange information on legislation and regulation affecting pharmacy and pharmaceutical education; and to plan and share continuing professional education opportunities moved here — safe more information Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Dr Fathi has provided consulting services and received clinical trial support from Celgene and Seattle Genetics
Benny aus San Diego
Eintrag #6549 vom 17.03.2021, 20:56:20 Uhr